Exam Location: CHELMSFORD

Anglia Ruskin University, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SQ . Exam Room MAB007. Please Assemble at Lord Ascroft Building Reception. Contact number on the day of the test 07570374985 or 07429153435



 Thank you for your interest in registering your child at Master Brain Academy.

It is important to read and understand the details given below before applying for the selection test.

The Year 5 Chelmsford Course
English and Maths – 1 hr 45 min class once a week

Suitable for  – FSCE and CSSE.


Lesson – Maths +English (Fees £45; Duration 2 hr 30 min)

 Creative Writing: Will be alternated with English Comprehension every 3 weeks. Additionaly Creative Writing Courses will take place during half term holidays

Fees will have to be paid every 4 weeks before the class commences.

Subjects Tested: English and Maths.

Selection criteria

We will consider the average scores in Maths and English as entry criteria.  Please note that students will have to get the desired minimum average of 60% in Maths & English to get started with Master Brain Academy 11 plus Advanced programme.

Our existing students at Master Brain (currently in Year 5) have taken the entry test and are grouped according to their ability. Please note students will have to get the desired cut-off in all the subjects as mentioned in the tables below.

 Understanding the Master Brain Year 5 Course

Every child varies in potential and therefore the ability to stretch beyond their boundaries is limited.

It’s every parents dream that their children hit the grammar schools.  However, children are all so different.  Only 1 applicant in every 20 make it.  Sustaining the 11 Plus journey is yet another fact to consider.

11PlusAdvanced – This course is an extremely challenging programme. Children are expected to rapidly keep up to the pace of the programme.  Suitable for children/parents who can cope and adapt to exceedingly pressurising and demanding work. Suitable for fast paced learners who are eager for more challenging work.  Performance will be regularly monitored.

Year 5 Availability & Schedule

We have the following groups available, the desired cut off and the days these classes run are mentioned below. Kindly view the available class schedule below and apply for the selection test only if it suits your requirement – as we will not be able to provide alternative timings.



 (1 Hr 45 Min)

Cut-Off Maths-English (%)


10 am to 12:30 pm

85% & Abv


1:15 pm to 3:45 pm


Space in a particular session (day / time) will be allocated only by us and is dependent on the marks achieved in the test as well as the number of spaces available. Please apply for the assessment ONLY if you are flexible with all the above days.

Test Venue

Anglia Ruskin University , Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SQ, (exam dates/time can be selected in the booking form). Please assemble at Lord Ashcorft Building Reception.

Things needed for the Test

  1. Sharp Pencils, good eraser, sharpener, ruler
  2. Booking Confirmation form-Hall Ticket (Will be emailed immediately upon completion of booking)

After the booking

  1. You will receive a payment confirmation email (from PayPal)
  2. An email will be sent by Master Brain Academy with the hall ticket, please also check your spam folder.

NOTE: If you have not received the hall ticket, please email e-learning@masterbrainacademy.co.uk with child’s full name and PayPal Transaction ID

Next Steps

  1. Please print the Hall Ticket can come directly to the centre on the test day.
  2. It would be ideal to arrive 10 minutes prior to the test.


  1. You will receive an email (with total scores, percentage and a topic-wise breakdown of scores achieved in each individual section) on 30th January  8 pm. The email will confirm if the child has been offered a place. Please check your SPAM folder (as sometimes emails can get into this).
  2. It is important to be aware that we will not be able to discuss the scores or give feedback on your child’s performance as this is a selection test. The question papers are copy written for testing purposes and therefore will not be shown.

Assessment Processing Fee  £7 (non-refundable)

Terms & Conditions

Upon submission of application, tests can neither be cancelled nor swapped. Refunds will NOT be made if cancelled or absent. The assessment processing fee is non-refundable under any circumstance (such as children not achieving the cut off scores or not being offered a preferred day/time).  Master Brain Academy reserve the right to issue necessary refunds ONLY in the event of Master Brain Academy having to cancel the Assessment Test Day.

Results will be emailed on 30th January  8 pm. Please do NOT email or call us requesting for the results before this. Since a considerable amount of work has gone into the development of these new tests, the actual test papers will not be issued along with the results to students and parents. However, the results will offer a detailed topic-wise breakdown of scores achieved. This will help identify areas of strength and areas which need further practise and improvement.



 Thank you for your interest in registering your child at Master Brain Academy.

It is important to read and understand the details given below before applying for the selection test.

The Chelmsford Year 4 Course

Maths and English  –1.5 hours class once a week.


£20 per session ( weekly)    Fees will have to be paid every 4 weeks before the class payable in advance.

 Selection Criteria

We will consider the average scores in Maths and  English as entry criteria. Please note that students will have to get the desired minimum average of 50% in Maths & English to  get started with Master Brain Academy.

Subjects Tested:  Maths & English

  Year 4 Availability& Schedule

We have the following groups available, the desired cut off and the days these classes run are mentioned below. Kindly view the available class schedule below and apply for the selection test only if it suits your requirement – as we will not be able to provide alternative timings.




Cut-Off Maths-English (%)


11:45 – 1:15 pm

70% & ABV


1:45 – 3:15 pm

61% - 69%


6:30 – 8 pm

50% - 60%

Space in a particular session (day / time) will be allocated only by us and is dependent on the marks achieved in the test as well as the number of spaces available. Please apply for the assessment ONLY if you are flexible with all the above days.

Test Venue

 Anglia Ruskin University,  Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SQ  Please assemble at Lord Ashcroft Building Reception (exam dates/time can be selected in the booking form). 

 Things needed for the Test

  1. Sharp Pencils, good eraser, sharpener, ruler
  2. Booking Confirmation form-Hall Ticket (Will be emailed immediately upon completion of booking)

After the booking

  1. You will receive a payment confirmation email (from PayPal)
  2. An email will be sent by Master Brain Academy with the hall ticket, please also check your spam folder.

NOTE: If you have not received the hall ticket, please email  e-learning@masterbrainacademy.co.uk with child’s full name and PayPal Transaction ID

Next Steps

  1. Please print the Hall Ticket can come directly to the centre on the test day.
  2. It would be ideal to arrive 10 minutes prior to the test.


  1. You will receive an email (with total scores and percentage ) on 30th January 8 pm The email will confirm if the child has been offered a place. Please check your SPAM folder (as sometimes emails can get into this).
  2. It is important to be aware that we will not be able to discuss the scores or give feedback on your child’s performance as this is a selection test. The question papers are copy written for testing purposes and therefore will not be shown.

Assessment Processing Fee

 £7 (non-refundable)

  Terms & Conditions

Upon submission of application, tests can neither be cancelled nor swapped. Refunds will NOT be made if cancelled or absent. The assessment processing fee is non-refundable under any circumstance (such as children not achieving the cut off scores or not being offered a preferred day/time). Master Brain Academy reserve the right to issue necessary refunds ONLY in the event of Master Brain Academy having to cancel the Assessment Test Day. Spaces offered in this centre cannot be transferred to another centre. 

Results will be emailed on 30th January 8 pm Please do NOT email or call us requesting for the results before this. Since a considerable amount of work has gone into the development of these new tests, the actual test papers will not be issued along with the results to students and parents.